
Go One More! PDF

Go One More! PDF

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Download Go One More! pdf

Download book Go One More! pdf written by Stefany Bare published in PDF format. The file contains more than 36 pages.

Bibliographic information

Author Stefany Bare
ISBN-13 978-1957616872
ISBN 1957616873
Publisher Fedd Books (September 24, 2024)
Format PDF & EPUB
Product dimensions 8.25 x 0.5 x 10.25 inches
Page 36

About The Book Go One More!

An encouraging story of perseverance, kindness, and going the extra mile.

Follow along as Charli learns what it means to always, "Go One More!" Charli's dad has a favorite saying: "Go One More!" No matter what her dad does, he gives it his all, and Charli wants to be just like her dad.

Determined to always "Go one more," Charli heads to school excited and encouraged to put her new saying to the test.

Whether it's her friends, soccer practice, or even helping with the dishes, Charli is determined to find ways to go the extra mile and spread kindness wherever she goes.

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