


Download Kingdom Come pdf

Download book Kingdom Come pdf written by Johnny Enlow published in PDF format. The file contains more than 144 pages.

Bibliographic information

Author Johnny Enlow
ISBN-13 978-1957616650
ISBN 1957616652
Publisher Fedd Books (July 9, 2024)
Format PDF & EPUB
Dimensions 6 x 0.5 x 9 inches
Page 144 pages
Item Weight 7 ounces

About The Book Kingdom Come

Kingdom Come by Johnny Enlow is a groundbreaking book designed to challenge and reshape the conventional understanding of Christianity, offering a fresh perspective on the purpose and function of Christians in the world. Enlow invites both Christians and non-Christians to embark on a paradigm-shifting journey that reveals a Jesus rarely experienced before—a holistic and compelling figure whose true nature is captivating when properly presented.

Enlow tackles the age-old question of purpose, contending that understanding Jesus’ purpose is the key to discovering one’s own. Drawing heavily from Jesus’ own words found in the Beatitudes, Salt and Light passages, and the Lord’s Prayer, which Enlow refers to as Jesus’ Magna Carta, the author aims to establish a Kingdom narrative—the script or storyline—of why humanity exists. He emphasizes that without a clear understanding of this narrative, individuals may find themselves stumbling through life, unsure of their purpose.

Kingdom Come Free Download

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